Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to organise a portfolio

Papers, papers, papers. Students often feel overwhelmed by the number of papers they receive from their teachers and it may seem that throwing them in the boot of their car is the best solution. However, it is actually quite easy to organize your class notes into a neat portfolio. Let me outline the steps.

First, find all your papers. You can look for missing papers on the HD1 website. You can also ask a friend and photocopy his papers. Second, sort your papers into logical divisions e.g reading, writing, listening. Next, put your papers into the different sections. After that, buy a binder and some coloured dividers. Write section headings for the dividers and match them with a table of contents page. Finally, make a label for the side of the binder. Include important information e.g. class code, name etc.

As we have seen it is easy to make a portfolio. You will be proud of your neat, well-organised work.

160 words.

How to make machbous

Machbous is a delicious Arabian dish which can be prepared in several ways. You can have fish machbous or any kind of meat machbous. Meat machbous can be prepared in the following way.the following way.

First, buy the ingredients: meat, vegetables, spices, rice, tomatoes salt and dried lemon. Next, boil the meat in water. While you are doing this, cut and prepare the vegetables and tomatoes. Then remove the fat and blood from the boiling water. Next, add salt, spices and vegetables to the meat and cook until tender. Take out the meat and add the rice. Then return the meat to the rice. After that, cook for about 30-40 minutes until ready. Finally,serve and eat the machbous.

As you can see, making machbous requires care and attention, plus some time, but it is a delicious dish well worth taking time and trouble to prepare.

150 words

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to make a cup of tea.

Making a cup of tea is a very simple procedure if you follow these steps very carefully.

Firts of all, boil fresh water in your kettle. While the water is boiling rinse your teapot with warm water. Then add the teabags or tealeaves to the teapot. A rough guide is one teabag or one teaspoonful of tealeaves for each person. When the water in the kettle has boiled, pour it into the teapot. Then stir and leave for a few moments to brew. After a short while, pour the tea into teacups. Add milk and sugar to taste. Finally enjoy a delicious and relaxing cup of tea with your friends or family.

As you can see, making a cup of tea is a straightforward procedure. All you have to do is follow the above steps carefully and you will enjoy an excellent beverage.

143 words.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to make butter

Making butter is a long procedure and you need to follow a lot of steps very carefully. If you carry out the following procedure you should produce high-quality butter.

Firstly, check the fresh milk for quality and fat content. After that, leave the milk to cool. Then separate and churn the cream. Next drain the buttermilk from the butter and place the butter in a jar. After that, wash the butter with cold water in order to remove the remaining sour milk. Then add a small amount of salt to add flavour to the butter. After that, cut and wrap the butter. Finally, store the butter in a fridge to keep it fresh and prevent it from melting.

As you can see from the above, making butter is quite a complicated and lengthy procedure. You need to follow all the steps mentioned very diligently but, if you do so, you should produce high-quality butter.

152 words.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Desert Trip

How to prepare for a desert trip

How to prepare for a desert trip

Preparing for a desert trip is not difficult but it is necessary to plan very carefully because the desert can be a dangerous place.

First of all, make sure you have a 4WD vehicle. Just as importantly, make sure it is in good mechanical condition. Check the oil, water, tyre pressures and so on. Next, make sure you have a good tent and warm clothing because it can be very cold at night in the desert. Then make sure you have enough food and drink to last for the whole trip. Don’t forget to take your mobile in case of emergency. Also, make sure your family and friends know where and when you are going. Finally, don’t make the mistake of going by yourself. There should be more than one vehicle in your party in case of mechanical problems.

Preparing for a desert trip is not difficult but for safety reasons you must follow the above steps carefully.

158 words

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


In 1985 I flew from Brunei to Darwin in Northern Territory, Australia. I flew on Royal Brunei Airlines, which had just started a service to Darwin.

From Darwin I hired a car and drove to Kakadu National Park. I took a riverboat trip and we had a picnic on the banks of the South Alligator River. The whole area is infested with crocodiles. I saw what looked like a log in the river but it was moving very slowly towards the river bank. I asked one of the guides what it was and he said it was a crocodile. I asked him what would happen if the crocodile came out of the water. He said: 'The first and best thing to do is climb a tree. If there are no trees, run, but don't run in a straight line because a crocodile is as fast as a horse or camel for about 100-200 metres. The croc is sure to catch you, so zig-zag. Or, if there is not enough room, run round in circles. Crocs can't zig-zag or run in circles'.

So on this holiday I learnt some very useful advice about what to do if you are ever chased by a crocodile. I'm glad to say that I've never put the advice to the test.

217 words

simple past

past perfect

past continuous